
About Ric Gazarian

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So far Ric Gazarian has created 510 blog entries.

Slawek Muturi … A Neighbor Of The World

By |2020-02-12T23:21:23-06:00February 12th, 2020|Categories: Podcast|

 Slawek has traveled to every country in the world, twice. Today, I speak with Slawek Muturi, a truly fascinating and impressive traveler. The more I researched Slawek, the more I was looking forward to our conversation. He is a successful individual, whether it is business or travel. Slawek Muturi Counting Countries. Counting Countries is offering [...]

Stefan Krasowski and Jakob Oster … Return Again

By |2020-01-27T22:58:18-06:00January 8th, 2020|Categories: Podcast|

Stefan and Jakob have both traveled to all 193 UN countries. I welcome back returning guests, Stefan and Jakob.  I spoke to both of them in 2017 when they were nearing their quest of traveling to every country in the world.  And in 2019, they both completed their quest, so I thought it would be interesting [...]

20 Best Photos Of Afghanistan

By |2020-01-07T01:48:28-06:00January 7th, 2020|Categories: Asia, Photos|

20 Best Photos Of Afghanistan.  An ancient culture and land.  A country often invaded, enslaved and in turmoil.  A country in the news for all of the wrong reasons.  I spent two weeks exploring the country and witnessing a side of the country not typically shown on the front page of the newspapers. Here are twenty [...]

Worst Travel Company Ever

By |2020-01-03T01:36:30-06:00January 3rd, 2020|Categories: Advice, Asia|

Worst Travel Company Ever.  I started to plan my trip to Pakistan, and I began the process I have utilized many times before. I reached out to a couple of veteran, trusted travelers and asked for recommendations of a tour provider in Pakistan. I received two recommendations of local providers. I sent a couple of emails [...]

Best Photos Of Uzbekistan

By |2019-12-24T20:16:40-06:00December 24th, 2019|Categories: Asia, Photos|

Best photos of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan had been on my bucket list for a long time. I heard the Silk Road and its rich history calling me. I had visions of intricate azure tiles, towering minarets, and ancient madrassas. I could barely put my camera down as I explored Uzbekistan for two weeks. The country has great [...]

Maryam Sultan Abdullah … The Wonder Woman Of Travel

By |2019-12-12T08:55:54-06:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|

Maryam has traveled to 130 UN countries I had the great opportunity speak with Maryam Sultan Abdullah of Kuwait.  Ryan Gazder, a former guest of Counting Countries, introduced us via email. And after some time, Maryam and I were able to schedule a time to speak over the internet. I am reminding you that Counting Countries [...]

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