Hit The Road: India
by Ric Gazarian
My second book, Hit The Road India, traces my adventure across India. I drove an auto-rickshaw for 2000 km from Mumbai to Chennai. I participated in a rally organized by Rickshaw Challenge. This race can be described as a cross between the Cannonball Run and the Amazing Race. In my book, I recount the challenges — from mundane to potentially life-threatening — that me and my teammate faced racing through this foreign land.
The rickshaw is most likely the most inappropriate vehicle for this task. The rickshaw is semi-open and only has 7 hp (think riding lawn mower). It is prone to frequent break downs.
Competing with 5 other teams from around the world, I and my partner would drive anywhere from 8-15 hours a day to get to the next destination.
We faced many challenges during our two week: detention by the police, battling the monsoons, food sickness, Indian traffic and roads, and setting the record for running out of gas. Check it out!
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We drove this for 12 days!

Our route across India
And check out my book 7000 KM To Go
Hit The Road India