Join us in Bangkok for the Extraordinary Travel Festival in November of 2024.  Please use code – BANGKOK – to save $100.  Reserve your place today.

I believe there are 3 main pillars of why you might want to consider attending the ETF, this November in Bangkok.

First is the destination.  Maybe BKK might seem too common.  Well as a resident I would posit that this city offers so much beyond the Grand Palace, the Skybar and riding a tuktuk.  This is a true onion; you can keep peeling back more and more layers and keep on exploring.

Maybe you are missing some NM regions in Thailand, maybe a funicular or the new UNESCO site, Si Thep.  Or you missed Laos or Brunei on your last visit. There are cheap flights to everywhere in ASEASN.  Or maybe catch a direct flight to Bangladesh, Bhutan or Kazakhstan.  There is so much to see here!

Second, is the content.  We have an incredible lineup of speakers.  More will be announced.  Please take a moment to look at the speakers on the ETF website.  Everyone from Thor Pedersen who went to every country without flying, or Renee Bruns who has explored over 130 countries in a wheelchair, or the Sultan Randy Williams, who invented his own country.

And last up, is the community, the network of extreme travelers whether you are chasing 193 or maybe enjoy Iraq more than Italy.  Then you have found your tribe.

So think of Bangkok as the hub for the event.  A hub with great infrastructure at great prices.  The spokes are everywhere in Thailand or the region you can visit easily.

Don’t get FOMO, come join the 160 plus who have already committed.  And how many more will sign up in the next 6 months.  Should be a lot of people!

Feel free to go to the website, use code BANGKOK to save $100, and join us in Krung Thep this November.  If you have questions, reach out to me on SM, contact form on the website, or anywhere else.

I want to introduce three members of the community, three people who are coming to Bangkok, on this special episode.  Meet the attendee!  Please meet Virginia Ko, Zahid Williams, and Doug Mann.

First up is Virginia Ko, a traveler who recently passed her 100th country.  Virginia grew up in Malaysia, moved to CA, and recently quit her job to Chase 193.  Wow!   Follow her here on IG.

Next up is Zahid Williams.  Zahid is on his way to 100, but starting off with the challenging countries first.  We even met randomly in the Pacific earlier this year.   Don’t miss out on his IG posts.

And last, I speak with Doug Mann.  Doug is a true expat.  Working for years in Germany and Japan, and now retired in Chiang Mai.   Check him out on website.

Please listen in and enjoy.


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