Signs You Do Not See At Home. Often when traveling overseas, I am amused, confused, and intrigued by signage that I come across. Here are some signs I typically do not see back home.
There are a lot of guns in Afghanistan. As I entered this park in the middle of Kabul, I noted this sign and bucket. Put your gun in the bucket before you enter!
Outside of this mosque is a security check. Make sure you don’t bring your pistols or AKs.
Don’t expect to see a lot of chains in Kabul. This is their version of McDonald’s. There is also a fake KFC as well.
A billboard in Yerevan, Armenia recognizing the Armenian Genocide, by comparing Hitler to Turkey’s monstrous Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
I found this sign in Northern Armenia at the Mikoyan Museum. One of the Mikoyan brothers is known as the co-inventor of the MiG jet during the days of the Soviet Union. They have a full scale model at the museum and obviously don’t want anyone dancing on it.
McDonalds of course is everywhere.
The options laid out are pretty black and white. Use the toilet and save 90%.
Pointing you in the right direction for the restroom.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
A sign warning of mines, a leftover from the brutal war.
Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia, was subject to the longest siege of modern times. It was subject to random shelling and artillery attacks on citizens. These attacks are memorialized with signs throughout the city.
Sarajevo brags that they have the oldest WC, marked by this sign.
Talk about a killjoy! This was a sign at a park in the capital, BSB. Here they are warning children not to blow bubbles and have fun.
You will signs often warning people not to eat the very smelly Durian. This hotel is being even more anal, not allowing the very tasty Mangosteen and Jackfruit.
This sign was outside of a small office complex. Of course, we have all seen many signs stating smoking is not allowed. But croissants? Is there an epidemic of people running around in Bulgaria leaving croissants in office buildings? I thought this was a bit odd.
The same office building, but a different sign. Here they are apparently in fear of French fries and ice cream.
A very sobering sign at the Killing Fields in Phnom Penh.
Another sign, reminding us of a tragic past.
How to wear a helmet, a sign at a school. It would have been better if the helmet was a different color, difficult to see.
Chile, or more specifically Easter Island has some unique signs on this remote Pacific island. Easter Island is dotted with over 900 stone-carved Moai statue. This sign warns you not to touch them.
Watch out, evil trash!
It is very commonplace to see communist propaganda in Cuba. This was is celebrating the revolution with of course, ballet.
This took me a while to figure out … a couple with a dolphin. After some investigation I discovered that the dolphin is a symbol for condoms in Eritrea. So an advertisement, encouraging safe sex not a threesome with a dolphin.
An Ethiopian stop sign.
An elite condom.
A billboard advertising the opportunity to feed a hyena with your mouth. Only for the brave.
Obama owns a restaurant in Addis Ababa?
This is a well-known symbol of Berlin. This is “man” is a holdover from communist Berlin.
A billboard of a Russian soldier marking Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin.
Greenland which is part of Denmark is patrolled and protected by the Danish military.
Hong Kong
Not a reassuring sign in Hong Kong.
Again watch out for monkeys.
It looks like they have everything covered.
Recognizing the terrorist attacks November 26 in Mumbai.
OK, I have seen the first two before … no parking and no drinking. That is not too surprising. But, a street sign warning you not to use filthy language. Don’t see that often.
This was the warning sign in Delhi Airport. I always have a laugh when I see that coconuts are banned.
Not a reassuring sign in Tehran if you are an American.
A warm welcome in Iran.
One of the most common signs that you will see throughout the world, with a little twist, Farsi.
A warning sign in a subway in Tehran, informing women to be careful with their chador.
A poorly translated sign in Iran.
A surreal sign during my visit to Erbil, Iraq. The front line is only an hour’s drive to Mosul, where ISIS is fighting.
If you have been to Penang in Malaysia you will be familiar with this street artwork.
The Do Not Fish sign, next to the guy who is fishing.
For anyone who has been to Morocco, you will be familiar with the fantastic architecture. One element that you will appreciate is the incredible mosaic work. This sign says, do not walk on the mosaics!
Myanmar (Burma)
How is your Burmese? Do you understand this sign? Maybe, don’t throw up here? Nope. This is actually a sign saying do not chew betel nut and spit here. Chewing betel nut is a very common and popular habit in Myanmar. You will notice a lot of Burmese with stained red teeth from constant chewing.
Palau is a remote Pacific island with only 20,000 citizens. Palau was subject to much warfare during WWII. Unfortunately, live ordinance is still found today.
North Korea
When visiting North Korea, you will be continually confronted by North Korean propaganda. Here are fictionalized losses for the US and South Koreans. This was part of a display at a hotel that I stayed at.
These two images are ubiquitous. These are the dear leaders – Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-Il.
This sign in Singapore perfectly sums up Singapore’s commitment to order and politeness.
Many signs in unrecognized Somaliland, ask for recognition from the world community.
A sign greets visitors to the Hargeisa Airport, no khat (khad, quat) allowed. Khat is a mild narcotic chewed by many on the Horn of Africa.
South Korea
Not mincing any words in a South Korean barbecue restaurant, cook your food or you are going to get violent diarrhea.
Svalbard is part of Norway. And this is the northern most settlement of civilians in the world at 78 degrees. Watch out for polar bears!
Some basic gun safety rules when leaving and entering this small village in Svalbard.
Enough said.
Thai seals at the zoo!
$1625 for a sex change?
This sign is a classic, are they are encouraging me to sit on the floor and piss in the urinal?
Factory worker warning signs in an abandoned factory in unrecognized Transnistria.
Unrecognized country, Transnistria, proudly showcasing their communist chops.
During Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast from sunrise to sunset. Non-believers are required to respect their traditions. This notice reminds diners of the rules.
A sign to put you at unease. Radiation! A warning sign in Chernobyl in Ukraine.
Another sign in Chernobyl warning of radiation.
Did you ever eat pho?
There are many communist signs throughout Vietnam.
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Signs not seen home.

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Love this post!! I always love different signs and laughed at the South Korean sign about diarrhea and well as the Bularian signs on Croissants and french fries. Weird.
All interesting in different ways.
Frank (bbqboy)
One of those extra little pleasures when travelling, discovering these signs.
Some good ones here. My father is particularly into funny signs. I’ve sent him the link.
Hope he likes it!!!