Has Worked With:

Ric Gazarian is on a quest to travel to every country in the world.He has visited over 160 countries, with more every year.
He shares his experience on off-the-beaten path locations, unique experiences and must-see places.
Ric is a professional photographer, writer, author, podcaster, film producer and blogger.
He is also a travel leader and influencer. He founded and organizes a 2.000 person travel networking group in Bangkok. He is also the Chapter Leader of Travel Massive in Bangkok as well as the Asia Coordinator for Travel Massive. Ric was the former Secretary in the Professional Travel Blogger Association.

Ric is also the Organizer and Co-Founder of the Extraordinary Travel Festival. This is the premier gathering of the world’s most traveled people. The world’s most avid, accomplished, and adventurous come together to rub shoulders and trade travel tips. Amazing speakers entertain and inform the audience during the day while at night they are hosted at gala dinners and parties. Check the link to join at the next event!
Ric is travel leader, influencer and industry speaker

Ric is a founder and organizer of the highly popular travel networking group in Bangkok with over 2.100 members
Ric has spoken at numerous conferences and meetings such as Mekong Tourism Forum, the Nomadic Network, and the Travel Massive Forum. He was the closing keynote speaker at PATA Adenture Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference.

Ric is a podcaster of the highly-rated program (top 2.5% of all podcasts) Counting Countries. Counting Countries is listened to in over 150 countries. He interviews the most traveled people in the world in a long, interview format. It is available on Apple Podcast, Google Play, Alexa, Spotify and all other players.
Ric is top rated travel blogger at GlobalGaz
Ric is a member in good standing of the International Travel Writer’s Alliance.
Ric is ranked in the top 8% of all content creators according to Travel Massive.
Ric was the former Secretary of the Professional Travel Blogger Association