Travel Gear For The Road. How many devices are you carrying? Laptop, tablet, iPhone, camera? Even more? I know for me it is a real hassle keeping all these devices charged. I bring several items to help keep my batteries fully charged and make my life a little easier.
The more gear I carry, the more disorganized I am. This compact and handy Electronics Travel Organizer by Zero Grid is a great item to store and carry all of your needed tech items. This case is both light and very durable. The interior provides for a tremendous amount of flexibility. It has multiple straps and compartments to hold chargers, cords, batteries, and many more accessories. Consider this organizer to make your travel life easier and more organized.
This is a highly rated charger for the car for all of your devices whether it is Apple or Samsung. You also have the ability to make friends, since you can charge two devices at the same time. I took a road trip to the outskirts of Bangkok for the Sak Yant Festival, and the Zus Smart Charger did the trick! It also has a neat feature for locating your car.
This Universal Charger does the trick. It is compact and cheap ($6.99 Prime on Amazon). It has 4 different configurations. I carry two of these. There is a good chance I will forget one in a random hotel room, so I always want a backup. Also, they are not the sturdiest; I have broken a couple before.
With the multiple devices, I need to charge them simultaneously. This little power strip allows me to charge four devices at the same time. The negative is the cord is very short.
And finally, if I have room in my luggage I like to bring this as well. It is great if you are setting up in a hotel for a week and you can have this laying on the table.
Here is another helpful item to have on the road. A portable charger with 2 USB ports. It is compact weighing in at under 14 ounces. It will charge an iPhone 6, five times. Great to have in a pinch.
This portable hard drive is a potent combination. Weighs in under 5 ounces (that is light as a butterfly!) and has 2 TB of storage. You can backup a lot of photos.
Travel Gear For The Road
Disclaimer: If you buy something from Amazon, I will earn a fee. Some of these items were provided gratis by the supplier. Advertisement.

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