Orest Zub has traveled to 132 countries
Hey now, I am your host, Ric Gazarian. Checking in with our new guest, Orest Zub, a name many of you might be familiar with. Orest and I have never met in person, but he falls into that category of someone who I feel like we have met in person, but we never have. We have shared video calls, messages and share many friends in common.
This is a busy conversation where we speak about Orest’s travels around the globe which have brought him to 132 countries. We speak about updates in the NomadMania community, where he has a new position at the organization. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite travelers for the NomadMania Awards and also remember there is a live show in Lviv in October. Of course, Orest and I speak about the situation in Ukraine, how is life has changed, as well as his role during the war.
The cat is out of the bag. The next Extraordinary Travel Festival will be held on November 15, 2024, plenty of time to save the date and get ready to eat mango and sticky rice. The event will be in Bangkok. Expect amazing speakers, cool pre and post trips, as well as super fun networking with old and new friends. You can buy your ticket now. Please use the code BANGKOK to save big when you buy your ticket on Extraordinary Travel Fest.
I would like to thank everyone for their support of Counting Countries, especially my Patrons: Justine Kirby, Marc Jorgensen, Sonia Zimmerman, Lori Pastorelli, Carole Southam, Sunir Joshi, Philippe Izedian, Gin, Simen Flotvik Mathisen, Ted Nims, Bisa Myles, Thor Pedersen, Adam Hickman, Katelyn Jarvis, Ed Hotchkiss, and Barry Hoffner for supporting this podcast. You can support this podcast by going to Patreon.com/CountingCountries. My patrons will hear extra content with Orest that you will not hear.
I would like to introduce two new patrons, one of the names, Jorge Serpa, might be familiar. He was a guest on an episode in 2022. I encourage you to listen to this episode since Jorge is a very interesting character. And if you swing by Kinshasa make sure you say hi to him since he is living there.
And also please say hi to Per Flisberg who is Chasing 193 and is currently at 61 countries and is currently planning trips to South America as well as a Gulf State trip. If you have any recommendations for him, check him out at Flizzy 11 on IG. This summer, I also got to connect in person with other patrons Ted Nims and Bisa Myles in Chicago. Great to see them as always.
Counting Countries is ranked in the top 2.5% of all published podcasts, this is according to ListenNotes, which tracks over 3 million podcasts. So again, thanks to everyone who listens, writes a review or shares with a friend.
I was in Chicago for this recording while Orest was in Ukraine. Please listen in and enjoy.
Thank you to my Patrons …. Jorge Serpa, Per Flisberg, Justine Kirby, Marc Jorgensen, Sonia Zimmermann, Lori Pastorelli, Gintaute Liutkeviciute, Barry Hoffner, Ed Hotchkiss, Katelyn Jarvis, Carole Southam, Thor Pedersen, Simen Flotvik Mathisen, Adam Hickman, Bisa Myles, Ted Nims, Sunir Joshi, Gintaute Liutkeviciute, Philippe Izedian & Dale Wursten.
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More About Orest Zub Counting Countries
- Where were you born
Lviv - What passport (s) do you hold
Ukrainian - Favorite travel book
Vagabonding by Rolf Potts - Favorite travel film
The Art of Travel, 2008 - Favorite travel app or website
NomadMania - Must carry item when traveling (like flashlight, Kindle, deck of cards etc.)
Tripod selfie stick - Favorite food
Grilled meat - Favorite drink
Ouso, Anise Raki, Mastika (all the same) - Favorite airline
WizzAir - Favorite hotel
Trunk of my car - Travel map
https://nomadmania.com/profile/17122 - Website
https://nomadmania.com/ - Social Media
About Counting Countries
Counting Countries is the only podcast to bring you the stories from the dedicated few who’ve spent their lives on the singular quest of traveling to every country in the world. Less people have traveled to every country in the world than have been to outer space.
Theme music for this podcast is Demeter’s Dance, written, performed, and provided by Mundi.
About GlobalGaz
Ric Gazarian is the host of Counting Countries. He is the author of three books: Hit The Road: India, 7000 KM To Go, and Photos From Chernobyl. He is the producer of two travel documentaries: Hit The Road: India and Hit The Road: Cambodia.
Ric is also on his own quest to visit every country in the world. You can see where he has traveled so far and keep up with his journey at GlobalGaz.com
How Many Countries Are There?
Well… that depends on who you ask!
- The United Nations states that there are 193 member states.
- The British Foreign and Commonwealth office states that there are 226 countries and territories.
- The Traveler’s Century Club states that there are 329 sovereign nations, territories, enclaves, and islands.
- The Nomad Mania divides the world into 1301 regions.
- The Most Traveled Person states that there are 1500 unique parts of the world.
- SISO says there are 3,978 places in the world.
- And the video that explains it all!
- Me? My goal is the 193 countries that are recognized by the UN, but I am sure I will visit some other places along the way.
An analysis of these lists and who is the best traveled by Kolja Spori.
Disclaimer: There are affiliates in this post. Orest Zub Counting Countries

Photos From Chernobyl
Sign up to receive your free copy of Photos From Chernobyl. Over 100 photos from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
[…] Teacher Post-lunch, we got a dose of wisdom from Orest Zub, a guy whose partnership with NomadMania has him firmly planted in the “knows his stuff” […]