Kach has traveled to 136 countries. Kach Howe Counting Countries.
Kach popped up on my radar screen in early summer and we have been trying to schedule a call since then. Statistically speaking, most 193ers are older, white males from North America or Western Europe, but I am always on the lookout to have a differing perspective. Kach offers a unique voice being both a female and a Filipina. Kach has traveled to 136 countries and all the more impressive on a passport that is ranked a mediocre 61. Previously on Counting Countries I spoke with April Peregrino who is also a Filipina by ethnicity but travels with a US passport. Kach Howe Counting Countries.
I am reminding you that Counting Countries is now partnered with Patreon. Patreon is a platform that allows patrons, that’s you, to support creators, and that is me creating Counting Countries. And thanks to my patrons, Ted Nims, Bisa Myles, Ryan Gazder, and Adam Hickman. I also want to welcome new patron, Stephanie Rowe, a friend of mine in Bangkok. She has been here since 2012 working in the travel industry. Say hi to her on twitter at SkywardSteph. As thanks, they are able to listen to additional interviews like the extra interview I did with Kach, only available to them.
For those country counters, you should all be aware of Untamed Borders. Since 2007, Untamed Borders have run trips to some of the worlds most inaccessible and least visited countries. Their upcoming fixed date group trips to East Africa are not the usual Kenyan safari or Kilimanjaro climb. In March, they run an 8 day trip to the world’s newest nation – South Sudan. As well as visiting the capital Juba, they visit some the countries most interesting tribal groups including the Mundari, whose life evolves around long-horned cattle and the Toposa who are notable for their piercings and scarifications. Check out their photos on their Instagram, it will make you want to visit. They also have their annual Horn of Africa trip to Ethiopia and Somaliland. This includes visiting the Danakil Depression – the hottest inhabited place on earth as well as feeding wild hyenas in Harar. And for you runners, there is the chance to take part in the Somaliland Marathon – Somali’s only mixed-gender sporting event. Untamed Borders is one of the organisers of this groundbreaking race and run packages for you to compete. Now, that is one for the bucketlist. If you want to know more then visit www.untamedborders.com or visit them at the Adventure Travel Show in London on 18th and 19th January 2020.
Also, please remember, I am organizing a trip to Madagascar in August of 2020 with G Adventures. Email me with any questions. You can support Counting Countries by booking a trip through my link with G. So feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Take a look at their trips to Galapagos and Antarctica.
Kach has overcome some challenging obstacles. Kach grew up lower middle class family with limited opportunities. But, her childhood dream of traveling the world wasn’t to be denied. As a 20 year old, she took advantage of work opportunity in Kuwait and never looked back. Her aspirations have become a reality as she has traveled the world including a two year stint sailing the Carribean. A great conversation with a determined traveler.
I encourage you to subscribe wherever you listen; Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, or Spotify and write a review. Reach for the stars and give Counting Countries five of them. Why? Because that is what keeps this podcast going. This is somewhat of a minor milestone episode being the 80th episode. Let’s see if we make it to 100.
But for now, here’s my conversation with Kach who was in Montenegro while I was in Bangkok. Please listen in and enjoy.
Thank you to my Patrons …. Adam Hickman, Bisa Myles, Ted Nims, Ryan Gazder, and Steph Rowe.
Be the first on your block to sport official Counting Countries apparel! You can purchase today on Amazon.
And now you can listen to Counting Countries on Spotify! And Alexa!
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More About Kach:
- Where were you born: Philippines
- What passport (s) do you hold: Philippines
- Website: Two Monkeys Travel Group and Mr. and Mrs. Howe
Check out our friend: Large Minority. They organize international rallies around the world including: Sri Lanka, Cambodia, the Philippines and the Amazon. And watch my full length documentary in Cambodia when I traveled with Large Minority.
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts today!!
About Counting Countries
Counting Countries is the only podcast to bring you the stories from the dedicated few who’ve spent their lives on the singular quest of traveling to every country in the world. Less people have traveled to every country in the world than have been to outer space.
Theme music for this podcast is Demeter’s Dance, written, performed, and provided by Mundi.
About GlobalGaz
Ric Gazarian is the host of Counting Countries. He is the author of three books: Hit The Road: India, 7000 KM To Go, and Photos From Chernobyl. He is the producer of two travel documentaries: Hit The Road: India and Hit The Road: Cambodia.
Ric is also on his own quest to visit every country in the world. You can see where he has traveled so far and keep up with his journey at GlobalGaz.com
How Many Countries Are There?
Well… that depends on who you ask!
- The United Nations states that there are 193 member states.
- The British Foreign and Commonwealth office states that there are 226 countries and territories.
- The Traveler’s Century Club states that there are 327 sovereign nations, territories, enclaves, and islands.
- The Most Traveled Person states that there are 891 unique parts of the world.
- The Nomad Mania divides the world into 1281 regions.
- SISO says there are 3,978 places in the world.
- Me? My goal is the 193 countries that are recognized by the UN, but I am sure I will visit some other places along the way.
An analysis of these lists and who is the best traveled by Kolja Spori.
Kach Howe Counting Countries
Disclaimer: I will earn a fee if you order from Amazon/Agoda. Or book a trip through G Adventures. PS Thanks!

Photos From Chernobyl
Sign up to receive your free copy of Photos From Chernobyl. Over 100 photos from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
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