Boris completed the quest of visiting all 193 countries last year
On today’s episode, I welcome Boris Kester to Counting Countries. Boris caught my attention last year when he posted some information on Every Passport Stamp in regard to his independent trip to Afghanistan. It is one thing to visit Afghanistan with a trusted tour operator, another to travel on your own. EPS is group of fellow travelers on Facebook on the quest to visit all 193.
Boris has travel imprinted on his DNA. One of his first trips while still in a baby carriage was a two day train trip to Greece with his parents. Growing up, he found himself living in Malta and India. In fact, as a ten year old he made a book where he began counting countries.
Boris touches on a number of dangerous situations he encountered on the road: a car accident in Botswana, a gun attack in Buenos Aires, and another gun incident on the border of Equatorial Guinea. He talks about his most difficult visa for Nauru and why he believes this tiny country is worth a visit. Boris talks about a poignant moment when visiting the former Buddhist statues of Bamiyan in Afghanistan. When visiting the destroyed statues he recalled his parent’s honeymoon years ago.
Boris touches on fellow 193ers including reading Mike Spencer Bown’s book, The World’s Most Traveled Man, who has been on Counting Countries. Boris, who is a senior purser on KLM recounts how he met Caroline Santina Lupini, a moderator in EPS, on a flight.
Boris has his own blog where he documents his travel and is also a productive blogger on KLM’s site.
Recently, I traveled to five countries in southern Africa, including Namibia. You can check out my blog, GlobalGaz, to check out a series of posts I wrote on this incredible country. I was an invited guest of G Adventures, who organizes trips to over 100 countries. Before we speak to Boris, I speak with Kim McCabe, who is responsible for US public relations for G Adventures.
I encourage you to subscribe wherever you listen, Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify and of course if you like the program, feel free write a review.
And in fact, a quick thank you to Paposis from Denmark for his 5 star review on Apple Podcast. “I just love this podcast! All the guests have so inspiring stories, and my own travel bucket list keeps getting larger and larger. Ric is a fantastic host of these podcasts!” Thanks for sharing these kind words and I hope you get to work on that bucket list.
But for now, here’s my conversation with Boris who was in Holland while I was in Boston. Please listen in and enjoy.
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Check out our friends: Chasing 193, Volume II: The Quest To Visit Every Country In The World and Large Minority. They organize international rallies around the world including: Sri Lanka, Cambodia, the Philippines and the Amazon.
More about Boris:
- Born in: The Hague, Netherlands
- Passports from: Netherlands
- Favorite travel book: Homer’s Odyssey
- Favorite travel film: Touching The Void
- Favorite travel app:
- Must carry: Camera
- Favorite food: Italian
- Favorite drink: Freshly squeezed fruit juice
- Favorite Airline: KLM
- Favorite Hotel: Mattress in the desert
- Websites: Travel Adventures & Boris Kester
- Instagram: Boris Travel Adventures
- Twitter: Boris Kester
- Facebook: Boris Kester
- Boris’s Map: Nomad Mania
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About Counting Countries
Counting Countries is the only podcast to bring you the stories from the dedicated few who’ve spent their lives on the singular quest of traveling to every country in the world. Less people have traveled to every country in the world than have been to outer space.
Theme music for this podcast is Demeter’s Dance, written, performed, and provided by Mundi.
About GlobalGaz
Ric Gazarian is the host of Counting Countries. He is the author of three books: Hit The Road: India, 7000 KM To Go, and Photos From Chernobyl. He is the producer of two travel documentaries: Hit The Road: India and Hit The Road: Cambodia.
Ric is also on his own quest to visit every country in the world. You can see where he has traveled so far and keep up with his journey at
How Many Countries Are There?
Well… that depends on who you ask!
- The United Nations states that there are 193 member states.
- The British Foreign and Commonwealth office states that there are 226 countries and territories.
- The Century Club states that there are 327 sovereign nations, territories, enclaves, and islands.
- The Most Traveled Person states that there are 875 unique parts of the world.
- The Nomad Mania states that there are 1281 unique places in the world.
- SISO says there are 3,978 places in the world.
- Me? My goal is the 193 countries that are recognized by the UN, but I am sure I will visit some other places along the way.
An analysis of these lists and who is the best traveled by Kolja Spori.
Check out our partner and sponsor: Chasing 193, Volume II: The Quest To Visit Every Country In The World.
Explore the unique stories from 20 more world-class travelers from various backgrounds and nations and from all walks of life who have tirelessly pursued visiting every country in the world and have filled their lives with a virtually endless amount of adventure.
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Photos From Chernobyl
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