
About Ric Gazarian

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So far Ric Gazarian has created 510 blog entries.

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Five

By |2019-07-06T14:08:50-05:00May 26th, 2018|Categories: Asia, Unique Experiences|Tags: , , , , |

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Five. Today was the day. The climax. The denouement. We started off with a leisurely tour of the Museum of History in the town of Baikonur. We were expecting to see our guide, Amina, from the day before, but she was nowhere to [...]

Samer Kawar … has completed 145 UN countries, while marrying his passion for travel and architecture

By |2019-05-28T05:22:11-05:00May 17th, 2018|Categories: Podcast|

Samer has managed to work full time as an architect as he chases 193 Samer shared with me that he's driven to travel by FOMO and YOLO.  The fear of missing out and you only live once, pushes him to plan constantly so he can maximize travel to the fullest. He is continually researching, creating lists, [...]

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Four

By |2019-07-06T14:07:15-05:00May 13th, 2018|Categories: Asia, Unique Experiences|Tags: , , |

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Four. Today was going to be a bit low key compared to the previous, action-packed, day.  I crammed down some sort of egg creation for breakfast and met the group for our 10:00 am departure in Lenin Square.  The day was sunny and [...]

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Three

By |2019-07-06T14:29:08-05:00April 30th, 2018|Categories: Asia, Unique Experiences|

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Three.  I awoke to darkness, and today was going to be an exciting and busy day.  I gobbled down a quick breakfast of eggs and tea at the hotel, and the group was on the bus before 6:30 am.  We entered the Cosmodrome [...]

A Guide: Seven Days In Oman

By |2021-06-10T19:03:00-05:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: Asia, Unique Experiences|Tags: , , , , |

A Guide: Seven Days In Oman.  Oman is the Quiet Man of the Middle East.  Think about, you don’t hear much about it compared to its neighbors.  War in Yemen and Syria.  The ongoing violence in Iraq.  Turmoil in Lebanon and Jordan with a tidal wave of refugees.  Strife in Israel with their ongoing conflict with [...]

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Two

By |2019-07-06T14:26:51-05:00April 23rd, 2018|Categories: Asia, Unique Experiences|

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day Two.  The morning was grey.  I tapped on my phone and called a car using my Yandex app (Russia’s answer to Uber).  It was only 1400 Tenge (under $5) for the thirty minute ride to the airport, quite reasonable.  A creaky car pulled [...]

Vanuatu’s Heart: Full Of Love Or Hate?

By |2019-07-06T16:43:12-05:00April 20th, 2018|Categories: Oceania, Unique Experiences|

Vanuatu’s Heart: Full Of Love Or Hate?  In my quest to travel to every country in the world, I visited the remote Pacific island nation of Vanuatu.  While on the island I had a health incident which I detail in this port.  This post of my experience began to make the rounds on social media and [...]

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day One

By |2019-07-06T14:25:32-05:00April 19th, 2018|Categories: Asia, Unique Experiences|Tags: , , , , , |

Five Days At The Russian Cosmodrome Baikonur For A Manned Space Launch Day One.  My afternoon flight from Almaty touched down at the Kyzylorda domestic airport.  I had landed in Kyzylorda, a city founded in the early 19th century, located in southern central Kazakhstan.  Kyzylorda as you might guess, is not a hotbed of tourism.  Why [...]

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