
About Ric Gazarian

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So far Ric Gazarian has created 510 blog entries.

Pongtharin Tanthasindhu – 113 countries … and travelling on a Thai passport

By |2019-05-28T08:46:45-05:00November 9th, 2017|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , , , |

[Download .mp3] Pongtharin Tanthasindhu - 113 countries ... and travelling on a Thai passport Pong, 28 years old, has traveled to 113 countries is hoping to complete his goal before he turns 35. Pong has travel in his blood.  He started traveling to nearby Asian countries and Europe with his parents as a kid.  Pong spent [...]

New England Patriots Fans Unite

By |2023-07-16T21:59:30-05:00October 28th, 2017|Categories: Unique Experiences|Tags: , |

New England Patriots Fans Unite.  I have been a Pats fan since the Grogan days while growing up outside Boston.  And some of those days were pretty lean.  Of course, the football gods have blessed all Bostonians under the holy trinity of Kraft-Belichick- Brady.  And over the years, I have taken my Patriots game on the [...]

Arvinder Bahal – 178 countries … and on his way to outer space!

By |2019-07-06T04:15:59-05:00October 26th, 2017|Categories: Podcast|

[Download .mp3] Arvi is nearly finished in completing his quest to travel to all 193 countries, and has had some amazing experiences on the way. Arvi only has 15 countries left and is hoping to finish this quest in the next year.  During his travels, he has visited both Antarctica and the North Pole.  He sailed [...]

Two Nights Niger

By |2021-03-31T09:21:30-05:00October 25th, 2017|Categories: Africa, Off The Beaten Path|Tags: , , , , , |

Two nights Niger.  I wasn’t overly excited about my brief trip to Niamey, Niger.  I arrived late at night to the Diori Hamani International Airport via a direct flight from Algiers.  I passed immigration without any obstacles except for a brief argument with a gentleman who tried to cut the line.  As I waited for my [...]

Haircuts Around The World

By |2024-04-21T10:57:44-05:00October 24th, 2017|Categories: Advice, Unique Experiences|Tags: , , |

Haircuts Around World.  Twenty dollars!  Actually, twenty-four dollars with the tip. (Updated in 2023, now it is about $35!)  That is the price for my haircut at the barbershop near my apartment in Chicago.  There is no heavy lifting involved; 20 or 25 minutes and I am out the door.  I am a bit of a [...]

Paraguay – 113th Country

By |2021-05-14T18:23:47-05:00October 21st, 2017|Categories: Counting Countries 193 Countdown, South America|Tags: , |

Paraguay – 113th Country.  To see where I have been so far, check out my map as I count down the final 93 countries on the road to all 193 UN countries. Paraguay is my 113th country. Check out the best 193 travel books to read! I took a three hour flight from Santiago and touched [...]

Three Days Paraguay

By |2021-05-14T18:30:22-05:00October 21st, 2017|Categories: Off The Beaten Path, South America|Tags: , , , , |

Three Days Paraguay. Paraguay might be considered one of the ugly stepsisters of South America, with less than 650,000 tourists visiting this landlocked country. On this southern continent, Paraguay is only more popular than Guyana and Suriname, not household names for tourists. I spent three nights in Asuncion, the sleepy, river-based capital. Asuncion is an acquired [...]

Ultimate Guide Easter Island

By |2021-04-12T14:34:26-05:00October 19th, 2017|Categories: Advice, Must-See, South America|Tags: , , , , , , |

Ultimate Guide Easter Island.  The Taj Mahal. The Pyramids. The Eifel Tower. The Statue of Liberty. There are certain monuments around the world that are known to all. I remember even as a kid I knew these landmarks. And there was another landmark that made an impression on me as a child … the mysterious Moai [...]

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