
About Ric Gazarian

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So far Ric Gazarian has created 510 blog entries.

Samu Viljanen – 193 countries!

By |2019-05-28T10:42:39-05:00June 20th, 2016|Categories: Podcast|Tags: |

[Download .mp3] Samu before the age of 40 had traveled to all 193 countries on earth.  And in one fell swoop, traveled to all 53 countries in Africa. Samu is one of seven Finns who have traveled to every country in the world.  At the age of 39, he had traveled to every country in the [...]

Signs You Do Not See At Home

By |2021-04-12T16:38:03-05:00June 19th, 2016|Categories: Advice|Tags: , , |

Signs You Do Not See At Home.  Often when traveling overseas, I am amused, confused, and intrigued by signage that I come across.  Here are some signs I typically do not see back home. Afghanistan There are a lot of guns in Afghanistan.  As I entered this park in the middle of Kabul, I noted this [...]

Khor Virap – Must-See

By |2021-04-16T14:32:55-05:00June 17th, 2016|Categories: Asia, Must-See|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Khor Virap – Must-See.  Khor Virap sits in the shadow of Mt. Ararat, the symbol of Armenia. The Turkish border is a scant five miles away. Khor Virap plays a central role in Armenia’s rich history. Gregory the Illuminator was imprisoned in a pit for 14 years in the 3rd century. Eventually, he was released and [...]

Three Must-See Churches In Bulgaria.

By |2022-07-14T22:10:21-05:00June 14th, 2016|Categories: Europe, Off The Beaten Path|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Three must-see churches in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is not the first country that comes to your lips when you are planning a European road trip, but it should be. Bulgaria offers so much for a traveler. Here are three highlights. Tsarevets Fortress Several hours east of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, on a relaxing bus ride, is [...]

Mike Spencer Bown – 193 countries

By |2019-05-28T10:59:43-05:00June 12th, 2016|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , , , , , |

[Download .mp3] Mike Spencer Bown - 193 countries Mike is a true traveler and explorer, who over a twenty plus year time period has traveled to every country in the world.  Mike shared with me some incredible travel tales, including a road trip with a nun in a war-torn, African country.  Mike has been on the [...]

War Tourism In Eritrea

By |2021-04-14T21:07:05-05:00June 8th, 2016|Categories: Africa, Off The Beaten Path|Tags: , , , , |

War Tourism In Eritrea.  Eritrea has been gripped by war, violence, and occupation for decades. The Italians in the 19th century brought colonization, cappuccino, and apartheid laws. After WWII, the Brits temporarily occupied Eritrea stripping the country of its valuables. After the Brits departed, Eritrea was placed in a federation under Ethiopia. Ethiopia chipped away at Eritrea’s [...]

Tourism Fails

By |2019-07-06T10:53:32-05:00June 8th, 2016|Categories: Advice, Asia, Europe|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Tourism Fails As someone who travels constantly, I have numerous interactions with airlines, hotels, tour providers, and everything in between. I witness the superlative and the truly, incredibly awful. I will be highlighting interactions with the latter.  I spend countless hours of my time and thousands of dollars righting these wrongs. Mystic Blue - Entertainment Cruises [...]

Buzludzha Monument – Flying Saucer

By |2021-04-16T14:27:46-05:00June 6th, 2016|Categories: Europe, Must-See|Tags: , , , |

Buzludzha Monument - Flying Saucer.  Exhilaration and awe. Literally, a giant saucer was suspended on top of Buzludzha Mountain. I stood at 4,700 feet and surveyed the Balkan Mountains. Ashen clouds surrounded the sterile flying saucer. I made my way up the stretched out stone-grey staircase of what appeared to be Captain America’s evil enemy’s secret [...]

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